Media Value

Our Top Features

Smart Media Value

Find out what a collaboration

with a Creator may cost

We give you an estimate of how much you might pay for a collaboration – based on reach, audience, and the expertise of marketing experts.

The Smart Media Value is a reliable basis for planning your influencer campaign budget. It gives you an initial indication of whether or not certain creators are even suitable for your brand in terms of price.

You are shown the expected prices per story, post, reel, and video (TikTok, YouTube video and YouTube short) that you would have to pay the creator if you cooperated with them. The values are given in both euros and US dollars.

"Get a first price estimate and find out whether a Creator is suitable for your brand as an advertising ambassador in terms of price or not."

Example of how a Creator's Audience Analysis and Smart Media Value are displayed in influData.

Find your perfect creator

Use our detailed search parameters

Use keywords and hashtags that best fit your niche. Try to find influencers who have already mentioned your brand in posts, stories and reels. Once you've found influencers that match, you can search for similar accounts that have a substantially large audience overlap.

Keep an eye on the engagement

When creating your campaigns, always look for creators who have a good and genuine engagement with their audience. This way, the content that features your product will actually be seen by real and interested people instead of being broadcast to fake followers or bots. Bought followers will not engage with your brand. Therefore, always check the audience!

Rate your influencer

In Collections, you can save influencers according to your preferred criteria, sort them into categories, and give them a rating. This way you are well prepared for your campaign planning.

Set your targets

Be aware of what you want to achieve with influencer marketing: Do you want to increase your brand awareness? Or expand your company and brand reach? Do you want to generate leads? Define clear goals, such as what you want to achieve with the influencer cooperation and then align your budget accordingly. You can achieve a lot even with a small budget if you choose the right creator: We find accounts with as few as 2,000 followers.

Example of how to add comments and additional information to a created campaign in the influData app
Screenshot from the influData App, showing the Smart Media Value Statistics for an Influencer. They show the Amount due per Video and Short that one may need to pay for a Video or Short of this Influencer

Smart Media-Value for our platforms


Find up to 10 Million Instagram Influencers worldwide with up-to-date metrics and statistics. Add influencers within seconds in the rare event that they are not in our database.


Find up to 2 Million YouTube and YouTube Shorts Creators. influData is the first tool that focuses on YouTube Shorts Creators.